Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hello Six Months

Well, here I am at six months and boy am I tired. It
seems to be getting worse the further along I get.
I went for my ultrasound and they said that it looks
like another girl is on the way but then said they can't
be completely sure. I know that they can't tell 100%
but she made sound as if she REALLY was not sure
so I have to stick with the neutral colors. I know that
you all want to stare at the way that I carry. It is
absolutely strange and see my brace over to the side.
That is what I have to wear when the weight tends
to be a little too much which is most of the time. LOL!
Anywho, 6 down and 3 more to go and I am FINISHED
for good. No more babies for me. LOL!
Be blessed!


denean said...

awww Candy! You are sooo cute! Love how you are all belly!! Hang in there girl, won't be long now!!

Anonymous said...

yayyyyy only 3 more months 2 go!!! Another one of my beautiful sweeties thatI can babysit! AWESOME!!!!! LOL I can't waittil u have him/ excited :) P.S Tell Leilani that she brings a special "awwwwwww" into your preggy pictures LoL